Viral Challenge: How Many Donkeys Can You Spot in Total? Only 1% managed to find them all
I love vision tests! I can spend hours looking at an image until I find what I’m looking for. It may take me a long time to find it, but I’m not doing it to break a speed record, I’m doing it to distract myself. It’s good exercise for the eyes, believe me.
This time, we bring you an image with some donkeys or burros drawn, but wait… there are more of them hidden. Of course, the painting is beautiful, but don’t get distracted by the drawings in general, start by looking at the details. There are some that are easy to identify and others that are not so easy.
They say most people can only find 9 animals. Some are very well hidden. The image itself will give you peace of mind, but don’t get distracted! If you’re tired of looking for more donkeys, scroll down to see the answers.
In this visual challenge you will have to find each of the donkeys that appear in the illustration. To overcome this challenge you will only have a few seconds, so you will have to be extremely quick. Look at the picture.
Finding all the animals requires being perceptive and making the most of your visual and mental agility. It is vital to see every detail of the image and not fall into optical illusion, which has caused many users to waste time looking at other things and not the main objectives.
Also, if you are focused on the challenge, you should not lose track of the time you have to solve it, as it is only 15 seconds, which meant a complication for those who were unable to overcome this viral challenge. Lastly, if you were unable to see where everyone was, do not be discouraged. In the image below you will be able to see where they were.
Challenge solution