Car vase | Although it looks like a horn for wine or mead this vase was actually used for flowers in cars during the first half of the 20th century.
Reusable cocktail pick | This mini golf club served as a reusable pick. The tentacles at the end of the stick were used to pull an olive or cherry out of drink instead of your fingers.
Toaster fork | How would anyone make toast before there were toasters? The British used these prong like devices to hold bread over coals in the oven for the perfect crunchy bake.
Toy washing machine | This device was used to wash dolls’ clothes so that they would stay looking newer longer.
Pocket sundial | Found at an estate sale of a well-traveled woman, this gadget was reliable because it was hard to break and didn’t need any batteries.
Ice cream spoon | This Victorian spoon was exclusively made for ice cream and nothing else.
Device for peeling egg shells | Found in an old house built in the 19th century, this torture looking device was made to peel shells off hard-boiled eggs.
Device for dialing a rotary phone | Some of you may not remember rotary phones but this device was used to spin the dial of the number you were trying to call. Most people just used their finger but for those who preferred something more suitable, this was the device.
“Everlasting pill” | For centuries this pill made of antimony was used to cleanse the body. It would go through the body completely intact and often used by multiple people.
Hooked ice pick | Before there were refrigerators and freezers, there was an entire industry around selling ice. This hook was used to both break the ice off a block and also to pick it up and move the pieces without touching the cold ice with your hands.
Mechanical calculator | This mechanical calculator called an Optima was released around 1900 in Germany.
Device for measuring applause volume | Used in the 50’s and 60’s the applause meter was applied to studio audiences during talent and dance competitions. It was key because the meter determined who won the competition.