Only 10% of people find the dog’s owner in this picture
There are many famous visual puzzles that have been popular for decades and continue to fascinate people of all ages.
Now imagine this situation. A dog named Mukhtar often went hunting with his owner Vasily. After a long winter, Mukhtar missed the wild nature and waited for that cherished day when his owner decided to go out into nature to shoot at least some animals in the “new” season.
And so the hour “H” began. Morning, the sun rises in the east, the happiest day for Mukhtar this year is coming. And now Vasily must call the dog with him and go hunting. Mukhtar waited and believed that Vasily would take him with him. An hour passed, then another, but no one called Mukhtar. The dog began to worry, but still hoped that his master would soon leave the house.
Mukhtar got tired of waiting and closed his eyes for a moment. Suddenly he heard someone calling him, it turned out that his owner Vasily had already left the house and went hunting. The dog ran with all his might after his owner.
Where is Mukhtar’s owner in the picture?