Now that I am older the list of things I want, has grown smaller with every passing year.
These days, I can pretty much narrow it down to,
good health for us all,
enough money,
enough time,
enough fun,
enough adventure,
enough work,
really, just enough.
That’s really all that I want.
The list of things I don’t want, however, has grown bigger, a whole lot bigger.
At the top of that list comes unnecessary drama.
As I get older, I realise that I can handle pretty much any negativity or adversity life may throw my way.
But I don’t have to.
I don’t have to sign up for it all.
It’s pretty freeing.
In fact, I can cancel my subscription to anyone’s drama, anytime I please.
And I have.
If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive right?
Spend wisely my friend,
Life is short.