My Stepmom Told Me To Wash Dishes After Her Birthday Party Because I Didn’t Gift Her A Dishwasher – Karma Hit Back For Her Audacity
When Mia’s stepmother, Trudy, plans an elaborate party for her 45th birthday, Mia has no choice but to do as she is told, including being a hidden helper throughout the festivities. But lucky for Mia, karma seems to be on her side, ready to teach Trudy a lesson.
Get ready, because this story is one of those perfect moments when life seems to serve up a little justice right when it’s needed most. It’s a satisfying tale where the universe decides to step in and handle things with a bit of a cosmic smackdown.
Now, let me introduce you to the main people involved in this saga:
My name is Mia. I’m a 16-year-old girl living in a typical suburban house with my dad and my stepmom, Trudy. Trudy has been part of my life for the past two years, and let me tell you, she has perfected the whole “evil stepmother” routine to a T.
If you searched for the word “entitled” in the dictionary, I’m convinced you’d see Trudy’s face right there staring back at you.
Living with her has felt like being trapped in a bad reality TV show, but without any cameras, no crew, and certainly no paycheck to make up for the trouble.
My dad mostly stays out of the way as much as possible. He’s the kind of guy who lives by the motto, “happy wife, happy life.” Except the catch here is that Trudy’s rarely ever happy. She’s one of those people who thinks the whole world owes her something and should cater to her every wish.
Now, let’s dive into what happened last Saturday. It was Trudy’s birthday, and she threw a party so extravagant, it honestly could have passed as a wedding reception.
This was her big 45th birthday bash, and Trudy was clinging to her youth in every way possible. The entire week before the party, she was parading around the house as if she were royalty.
“You’d better get me something special this year, Mia,” she declared one morning as I was in the kitchen chopping fruit for my smoothie. “A dishwasher would be nice. After all, I’ve done a lot for you.”
Yeah, sure, good old Trudy. She’s really done a lot for me… if you consider ordering me around like I’m some version of Cinderella to be doing a lot.
“Uh, Trudy,” I said while adding yogurt to the blender, “I’m actually saving up for my prom dress.”
Even as the words left my mouth, I already knew where this was headed.
Her face twisted into this expression, like she couldn’t quite believe I had the audacity to say that.
“Your prom dress?” she scoffed. “Mia, that’s ridiculous! You can just pick up something from one of those cheap stores. A dishwasher is much more practical. I don’t want to hear any more excuses.”
Excuses? I couldn’t believe it. This woman seriously expected me to drain all my savings for an appliance just because she thought she “deserved” it. Where’s my fairy godmother when I need her?
Anyway, Trudy is the one who convinced my dad that I was too young to get a real job after school or on weekends.
“Mia can only babysit kids on this street,” Trudy had told my dad at dinner one night. “It’s safer that way, and she won’t need to go far from home. Besides, she doesn’t need that much money.”
So, all the money I’d saved for my prom dress? It came from the babysitting jobs I picked up over the last year.
And truth be told, it wasn’t nearly enough to buy a small dishwasher, let alone the dress I had my heart set on. But I was determined to find something beautiful regardless.
So, fast forward to Trudy’s big day. The house was buzzing with caterers, an event planner was darting around with a clipboard, and there were enough flowers to make the place look like a botanical garden.
And me? I was quietly working in the background—polishing mirrors, setting up the drink stations, and doing my best to avoid eye contact with anyone.
“Wow,” I muttered under my breath, “is the Royal Family stopping by or something?”
I finished setting up the gin station and made a break for my room, hoping I could clean myself up before Trudy’s entourage started arriving.
Once the guests showed up, Trudy morphed into a celebrity version of herself. She floated around, flashing fake smiles, soaking in compliments like she was some kind of A-lister at a red carpet event.
“Mia! Can you refill the drinks? My guests are getting thirsty!” she called out from the marquee outside.
Of course, I couldn’t refuse. Not with all those people around. Saying no to Trudy would probably cause her to explode.
So, I did what I was told, floating around the party like some invisible Cinderella. I kept checking the clock, counting down the minutes until it was time to blow out the candles and the day would finally come to an end.
In a brief moment of freedom, I managed to sneak off and grab some food. One thing I can say about Trudy is that she sure loves her fancy meals, and she had told the caterers to go all out for this party.
“Hiding out, huh, kiddo?” my dad said, chuckling when he found me enjoying a generous helping of lobster mac and cheese.
“I’m starving, Dad,” I replied, shoveling another forkful into my mouth. “Besides, everyone else is eating, too.”
“Take a break, Mimi,” he said with a grin. “Eat as much as you want. I’ll even grab you one of those fancy milkshakes from the bar.”
Before long, it was time for the big cake reveal. My dad lit the candles while Trudy danced around like a Cheshire cat, clearly soaking up the attention.
Everyone belted out “Happy Birthday” as loud as they could, and Trudy blew out the candles with a dramatic flair. But as the party started to wind down, she tapped her wine glass with a fork and gave me one of her infamous looks.
“Mia, since you didn’t bother getting me a dishwasher for my birthday, the least you can do is wash all these dishes. That’s only fair.”
I stood there, stunned for a moment. The room fell completely silent. It felt like every single pair of eyes was on me, watching as if I were the bad guy here.
She had actually said it. Out loud. In front of all her friends.
“You didn’t get your mom a birthday present?” one of her friends, Alexis, said. “That’s just… rude. And kind of sad.”
I felt a lump forming in my throat, but I managed to keep my voice calm and steady.
“Trudy, I told you, I didn’t have enough money for a dishwasher. I’ve been saving for my prom.”
She waved her hand dismissively, as if I was spouting nonsense.
“Just wash the dishes, Mia,” she said. “Do something useful for once.”
I could have lost it right then. But instead, I swallowed my pride and nodded my head.
“Fine. I’ll go get changed and start on them,” I said.
I spent the next hour up to my elbows in suds, scrubbing away until my fingers were sore and numb. I felt like crying, but instead, I scrubbed even harder, imagining the day I’d finally break free from this nightmare of a life.
By the time I was done, the party had ended, and Trudy’s friends were long gone. I dragged myself upstairs to bed, completely drained, both emotionally and physically.
The next morning, I was jolted awake by the sound of Trudy’s scream echoing from the kitchen. At first, I thought maybe one of her fancy gadgets had broken. She had recently bought herself an over-the-top coffee machine that looked like it belonged in a café.
But when I made my way into the kitchen, I found her standing in the middle of a total disaster.
The entire kitchen was a mess.
The smell of burnt plastic hung in the air, and there was water all over the floor.
“Mia!” she yelled as soon as she spotted me. “Look at what happened!”
Still groggy from sleep, I blinked in confusion, trying to process what I was seeing.
“What… what exactly is going on?”
“The pipes!” she wailed, throwing her arms in the air. “My entire kitchen is ruined! This is going to cost a fortune to fix!”
“But everything was fine last night when I went to bed. What happened here?”
My dad poked his head into the room.
“Trudy, did you really pour all the meat grease down the sink last night?” he asked.
“I did!” she admitted. “I didn’t know where else to put it, and the caterers didn’t take it with them. But I used some drain cleaner afterward.”
“Oh, Trudy! You should never do that! Look at the mess now! I told you to just pour some boiling water down the drain.”
I had to stop myself from laughing. I know I shouldn’t have, but come on—after everything? It really felt like the universe had finally stepped in to teach her a lesson.
As she continued to freak out, I felt a small, satisfied smile creeping onto my face. But I kept quiet and didn’t say a word.
For the entire next week, the kitchen was out of commission. My dad, bless him, tried to comfort Trudy, but the damage was done. The repair costs were sky-high, and Dad announced that we’d have to cut back on some household expenses.
“But not for Mia,” he said. “I’m giving her $500 for her prom dress.”
“You can’t be serious, David!” Trudy snapped. “You expect me to pay for the new kitchen tiles, but you’re just going to spoil Mia?”
“You spoiled yourself with your birthday party. I think I can spoil my daughter for her prom.”
And that was the moment Trudy learned not to push too hard when it came to my dad. But she did try to be a little more pleasant after that.
She even allowed me to get a part-time job and, surprisingly, she seemed to want to make amends.
“I’ll come with you when you go shopping for your prom dress, Mia,” she offered.
Do you think her new attitude will last?
If you were in my shoes, what would you have done?