It’s not easy to grow old.
You have to get used to
walking more slowly,
saying goodbye to who you were
and greeting who you have become.
It’s hard to celebrate a birthday.
You have to learn to accept your new face,
to walk proudly with your new body,
to let go of shame,
of prejudices and fears that come with age,
and let happen whatever will happen,
and let go of those who must leave,
and let stay those who wish to stay.
No, it’s not easy to grow old.
You have to learn not to expect anything from anyone,
to walk alone, to wake up alone,
and not to recognize yourself every morning,
the person you see in the mirror,
and accept that it’s all over—
life as well,
and know how to say goodbye to those who leave
and remember those who have already gone,
and cry until you are emptied,
until you are dried up inside,
so that new smiles can grow,
new hopes and new desires.
– Alejandro Jodorowsky