Find the Goose, Hare, and Dog in the Picture in 30 Seconds
Mountaineering is quite an interesting profession, but very dangerous. And someone likes to do mountaineering, considering this kind of sport. And in fact, mountaineering is a kind of sport, the purpose of which is to get to the top of the mountain. Mountaineering has many varieties, some of which are recognized by the IOC as separate sports. We will not dwell on this in detail, but only note that mountaineering was born in 1786.
This kind of sport requires a lot of effort and is mostly done by men. But sometimes you can meet female climbers. Look at today’s picture. It shows a girl, middle-aged and pleasant-looking, trying to descend from a mountain. The thing is, she has conquered one of the highest and most difficult mountains of Altai, but now there is one last task – to descend back.
Oddly enough, there are several animals around this girl. The artist tried to disguise them. Can you find the goose, hare and dog in this picture?
Well, friends, did you manage to find the goose, hare and dog in this picture? If so, write where they are in the comments.
Perhaps you will be able to find other animals, because the artist, the author of this work, has a fairly high level of imagination. He could have hidden other animals in the picture.