Once a father and son were travelling by sea and in the middle of their journey, they lost their way. Their boat took them to an island where there was no one.
After reaching that island their boat broke down. To look for help, they both decided to stay on the opposite side of the island.
Before leaving Father said to the son, “We should pray to God for help.”
After saying this, they both went to the opposite side and started praying to God.
Son said to God, “Oh God, let trees and plants grow on this island so that I can satisfy my hunger.”
God heard his prayer and immediately plants and trees grew there. It was a miracle.
After satisfying his hunger, he sat and prayed to God, “I need a house to live in, please give me a house.”
Soon, a house appeared. Now, the son realized that all his prayers were being heard. He thought why not ask God for a way out from here?
So he prayed to God, “Please, give me a boat so that I can leave this island.”
Soon, a new boat appeared. Son boarded on boat and was about to leave the island.
Just then a voice came from the sky and said, “Son, are you going alone? Will you not take your father along?”
Son replied, “He must have also prayed but you didn’t respond to them. Perhaps his mind is not so pure, so let him suffer consequences. right?”
A voice said, “Do you know what your father prayed for?”
Son replied, “No.”
A voice said, “Your father prayed for only one thing. He prayed – O God, whatever my son asks from you, please fulfill it. Whatever you are getting is the result of his prayers.”