Besides the horse, there is a man in the picture. Only not everyone will see him
Before offering our viewers to solve another puzzle, we find the right answer ourselves. However, there are cases when even we, believe me, people with a lot of experience, cannot figure out the right answer.
Let’s look at today’s riddle. By the way, this riddle is from America, and the picture itself dates back to the beginning of the last century. This picture was widely replicated on postage stamps of that time. And if you know, Americans have a very high passion for collecting. In general, they like to sell all sorts of unnecessary things, valuable in their opinion, to each other. In our opinion, this is also an ordinary stamp, of no value, especially since a huge number of them were issued.
At first glance, it’s just a horse, judging by its muzzle, quite young and perhaps not yet broken in. In English, the task in the picture sounds like this: Where is the jockey in the picture?
Which translated into Russian means: Where is the jockey in the picture? Accordingly, you need to find a man here. Will you try to cope?