I had the meanest mother in the whole world. I am so proᴜd of her! This story taught an incredibly valᴜable lesson… I had the meanest…
Author: Smart Gadgets
When I tell people that I’m raising my kids to challenge and question everything, they look at me like I’m crazy. After all, most of them…
A very elderly couple is having an elegant dinner to celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary. The old man leans forward and says softly to his wife,…
A young bride and groom-to-be had just selected the wedding ring. As the girl admired the plain platinum and diamond band, she suddenly looked concerned. “Tell…
The wife bought a new see through n!ghtdress, She wore it without any underg@rments and came swinging before the husband. Aroused Husband says, “You look so…
Walking into the bar, Mike said to Charlie the bartender… “Pour me a stiff one – just had another fight with the my wife.” “Oh yeah?”…
A retired man went into the social security office to apply for Social Security. After waiting in line a long time, he got to the counter.…
A woman arrives home from work and her husband notices she’s wearing a diamond necklace. He asks his wife, “Where did you get that necklace?” She…
One night, a couple is in the b3d and the husband smoothly caresses their wife’s arm… the wife is turned and she tells him: I’m sorry…
While the woman was behind the wheel, the couple was pulled over by the highway patrol. “Ma’am, did you know you were speeding?” the officer said.…